
segunda-feira, março 13, 2006

Life Spring

Is there anything more precious than the dawn of spring
The flowers as they bloom
The birds as they sing
The joy that such a lovely day brings
There was however one such sight
The love of my life
On that lovely spring night
She excelled in beauty
All of those things
While watching all these early buds and swallows,
I can feel tonight
that my heart's slowly growing over
sorrows as someone's horizon on smiley days might
that it's getting bigger like all plants around
and light as a feather,
and that all happiness that's above the ground
and a Hell of pain wouldn't really matter
It's longing for all things that a life as such
could give nice to thy,
and completely nothing wouldn't be too much
its eager desire and hopes are so high.
Everything that's happened has been just a play
of my heart on fire
my true love has never been given away
as much as I could and as I desire
There are, in my deeps, gentle tides of words
never let outside
I could give my heart to everyone on worlds,
yet, it would remain a lot of it inside.


Blogger Gillie said...

Crago, o que eu penei à procura de uma imagem bestial para associar à Primavera! Até que tive que usar Manara, né? Mas esta... tá bestial!! E o poem tb. De quem é?

março 13, 2006 7:28 da tarde  
Blogger Lobo Mau said...

O poema é uma amálgama de 2 ou 3 (não me lembro bem) que fui encontrando e guardando as passagens que mais gosto e me "tocam".
Infelizmente, perdi o rasto dos nomes dos autores. Digo infelizmente porque sou defensor de "o seu a seu dono". De qualquer forma, penso que neste caso eles não se zangam.

março 13, 2006 8:41 da tarde  

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